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Hire A Coach- Not Just a Bondsman

Bobby Brawdy, Coach, Speaker, Father, founder, and bail bondsman at Good Guys Bail Bonds is known for his ability to coach clients on their way to success. Bobby has a passion for helping people and works hard to ensure that his clients have the best chance of success in court.

Bobby's coaching methods are tailored to each individual client, making sure they are well-prepared and confident in their ability to achieve a positive outcome. Bobby's Personal Coaching Methodology: Bobby believes that successful coaching starts with understanding individual needs as each person has their own unique perspective on the world so taking the time to get to know his clients on a personal level is essential. One of Bobby's personalized approaches is intended to help clients become more confident and knowledgeable about the legal system, preparing them for any courtroom situation they might face. Bobby also offers practical advice on how to approach family matters such as custody battles and divorce. As a life coach, Bobby focuses on helping his clients prioritize and balance what he refers to as the 'Four Tiers Of A Happy Life': Health, Wealth, Relationships, and Faith.

Bobby's Impact on Good Guys Bail Bonds: Bobby is an integral part of Good Guys Bail Bonds' success by ensuring that each client is given the attention they need to succeed. His ability to connect on a personal level has resulted in strong bonds with his clients and their families - providing Good Guys Bail Bonds with a loyal customer base. His dedication and commitment to helping his clients have been a driving force behind Good Guys' continued success. Bobby's clients have had numerous success stories. One story Bobby loves to tell is that of his client Troy. Troy was struggling with a drug problem and had been in and out of the judicial system for years, even as a juvenile. Bobby worked with Troy, coaching him on how to approach the court proceedings, what to expect, and how best to present himself as a credible witness. Troy was successful in his case and Bobby Brawdy gave him the support he needed to turn his life around. Troy successfully completed rehab and is now sober, gainfully employed, and doing well in all areas of life thanks to Bobby's coaching methods. Bobby has helped numerous clients turn their lives around and get out of difficult situations. Whether it was helping them find a job, stay off drugs, or get back on track with their education, Bobby has coached numerous individuals toward their goals (personal and professional) and given them the confidence they need to succeed. If you find yourself in need of a bondsman in Oklahoma, a coach, or both either for yourself or a loved one, Good Guys Bail Bonds in Oklahoma is here to help.


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